
Healtopia offers the medical service of registered acupuncturist to relieve various physical conditions. Existing since 2000 years, acupuncture originated in China and is one of the most widely used medicine form in the world.

Acupuncture consists of placing ultra-thin needles on various strategic points on the body to help redirect the flow of energy and the blood. As per this ancient technique, pain and disease occur in areas where blood and energy are in a stagnate state. Acupuncture points are stimulated to help unblock these problem areas and prevent disease, resolve pain and restore the balance in the body.

Medical and scientific research has shown that there is a relationship between properly administered Acupuncture and improved wellbeing. Our registered Acupuncturists ensure that each treatment is relaxing, informative, and re-invigorating.

Acupuncture helps a great deal if you suffer from chronic pain. It is highly effective in relieving pain associated with pregnancy, carpal tunnel syndrome, headaches, neck and back pain, arthritis, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, and many more temporary and permanent conditions.




Laser Therapy